Together, let us redefine what is possible...

It is an honor to meet you.

My name is Blake Bridge.

Thank you for visiting my portal here. 

I am the mind behind this grand vision.

We are not limited here by a certain medium, nor confined to boxes of any kind. Like mycelium networks we connect in the invisible space not detected by the naked eye. We are the voice for the people of this earth. A channel of reverence and royal exchange. Writing thought crimes and rebelling with direct cause, as we ride waves in the sands of time.

To pave the way towards resiliency and prosperity, here on earth. I want to lend my hand, and welcome you all to this grand life of adventure. Giving men and women, back the power.

Let go of fear; of what others think of you.

You are radiant, you are pure...You...are beautiful.    


For decades our people have been shackled by systems that extinguish creativity and instill fear. Our society creates distortion by encouraging humanity to not live by their truth. We have lost touch with nature, the very thing that has created us. We have soiled our dreams in order to fit into constructs that are no longer serving us.

You must follow your dreams.

That is all that matters in this life.


Realize we are, and always will be, a part of something much greater than ourselves. We have lost intimacy. We have lost connection. We have lost respect and reverence. We have forgotten the fundamentals of what it means to be human.  

We are artists. Each and everyone of us.

Art is what distinguishes individuality. I have come to see that the primary purpose of art is to remind people of what it means to be human.  

At the deepest level, the creative process & the healing process arise from a single source. When you are an artist, you are a healer; A wordless trust of the same mystery is the foundation of my work and its integrity.  

The sound of the sea, the curve of a horizon, wind in leaves, the cry of a bird leave a manifold impression in us. And suddenly, without our wishing it at all, one of these memories spills from us and finds expression in musical language… I want to sing my interior landscape with the simple artlessness of a child.  

This is the treasure of life. When we are able to bask in the endless beauty that is in constant spaces, emanating from all angles.


I am working diligently to create a resilient and sustainable future. For my family and yours. Building up my community, strengthening our vitality, and paving the way for a life worth living.

La vita e bella.  Slowing down, to listen often. To redefine what it means to be human. Passion ignites my soul as I guide others where they need to go. I call it, "heading home" a state we can always embody and allow to flow through us.

It's a sense of belonging, a knowing that we are connected and effected by each others actions and choices.  I want to be a vessel. A conduit and curator. Simply holding and creating space where it is needed. To allow others to find themselves. To witness the letting go, of stories that no longer nurture us. So we may rise from the ashes.  


I am the lead architect of this lifestyle brand, centered around things I honor and love. Everything I do is to support this vision. To reconnect with nature. To reconnect with ourselves. To fuel the body (unconscious mind) with the highest quality intakes in order fuel the conscious mind.  

When I entered the world of skincare and beauty seven years ago, I immediately realized the lack of high integrity products available on the market. To then realize, it was not just the world of cosmetics, but also our food, our clothing, and much of what we ingest on the daily, was tainted with chemicals from near and far. 

As a purist, and someone who has dedicated years of my life to sourcing high quality ingredients from around the world. I wanted to create something radically different. From the heart. I wanted to create products made with the best composition, that valued integrity and sustainability.


From harvesting, sourcing, growing methods; to our environmental footprint as a brand, every choice we make has an impact.  Across the board, our industries suffer from the same core issues. Lack of integrity, intelligence, and accountability. Most of our economies are built linearly, without thought of the future.


In a circular economy, which is a rather foreign idea, products are made to last longer, communities share resources and save money, and businesses are maintaining, reusing, remanufacturing and recycling materials to create more value for you and future generations.

I stand true to the person I have become, and believe that the spirit of beauty is inseparable from the health of the earth. When we care for our bodies at a deep level, in turn we are caring for our earth. My passion is creating products and compositions that not only uplift the spirit and heal the body, but also promote the preservation of our wild planet.

I have discovered that this approach to business is more than rare; it’s almost unheard of. Blake Bridge represents the shift. A return to nature. The memory and connection to our earth. Reconnecting with each other. In the end it's not about the money or the status, its about doing what you love; standing for what you believe in. Not allowing anything to get in the way of your vision and dreams. 

Thank you for your trust, and joining me on the journey back to source


With Love,


                 - Blake Bridge | Founder & Creative Director